jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

Post 3


I always remember the day my little brother was born. It was on October 9th, 2000. I only had one younger sister. Her name is Daniela, she is 3 years younger than me and we are good friends. 

When we knew that we would have another brother, we were very happy. While my mother was pregnant we made clothes for my brother, we decorated his room and we read for him.

When my little brother was born, we didn`t know if it was male or female. It was a surprise to everyone, specially for my sister and I. I remember when my father showed throught the window my brother and said he is Pablo. I always remember that picture.

Together with my sister and me was my grandmother and my uncles and aunts. My sister cried because she was very young and she was afraid to see my mother in bed. When we saw my brother, we took it in our arms with Daniela at the same time and we have a very funny picture with scared faces. That picture is in my house and I remember this very happy day in my life when I see that.

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