jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2015

Post 1: A country I would like to visit

In my dream holiday I would like to travel to Europe, specifically I would like to visit Italy because since I was a little girl, I had dream of going to Venice and go across their channels in gondola.  When I was 7 years old my favorite cousin traveled to this place and I always remember her histories and photographs of this adventures. My cousin and I promised to travel to italy when we study at university.

I know about this place that in winter, in Venice they performed a carnival. In this celebration the people use mask and a costume for the occasion. I would like to know the city and participated in the carnival with my friends or my family. As well as, I would like to visit italy because y really like the history and the architecture of the country. I think that, if I visit the streets of Roma or Pisa, I will feel in an other age. I hope to visit italy next summer with my cousin and my best friend for that I 'm saving money.

1 comentario:

  1. Italy is a country very beautiful and romantic! I would to visit Italy, too. :D
